FREE Stress Tips
You will always have stress. But Calm in the Storm can provide you a powerful foundation for a success greater than you may have imagined possible.
This video from the Calm in the Storm program introduces some stress tips I use to handle the large and small stressful challenges we each face everyday. They work for me, I know they will for you.
Rob Pennington, Ph.D., creator of the program
This is How You and Your Organization Successfully Manage the Stress of Change in 3 to 5 Minute Bite-sized Learning Experiences.
- Module 1: How to be Productive No Matter What
- Module 2: Tips to Reduce Your Stress
- Module 3: How to Reduce Conflicts at Work and at Home
- Module 4: 4-Step Stress Reduction
- Module 5: Succeed Together Despite Stress
- Module 6: Take Your Time
- Module 7: Retrain Your Brain
- Module 8: Learn From Stress
Module 1: How to be Productive No Matter What
Transform your habitual, automatic stress reactions by recognizing your stress quicker and moving through it faster in 5 steps that are easy to absorb and immediately apply.
Lesson 1: Stress is Normal
Lesson 2: Resisting Stress is Futile
Lesson 3: The Weight of the World
Lesson 4: Start With Self Awareness
Lesson 5: How Will You React?
Lesson 6: Be Productive No Matter What
Lesson 7: Communicate During Conflict
Lesson 8: The Rest of Your Life Awaits!
Basic Program – Modules One through Three
Premium Program – Basic Program plus Modules Four through Eight
Module 2: Tips to Reduce Your Stress
Build positive habits, based on a series of simple practical tools, that produce a more proactive response to stress throughout your day.
Lesson 1: Stress Tip: It’s Not About Diet & Exercise!
Lesson 2: Slow Down, Get More Done
Lesson 3: Be Profoundly Relaxed
Lesson 4: Clean Your Brain Every Night
Lesson 5: Find More Time To Relax
Lesson 6: Do What You Love Every Day
Lesson 7: Master Positive Habits
Lesson 8: Progress, Not Perfection
Basic Program – Modules One through Three
Premium Program – Basic Program plus Modules Four through Eight
Module 3: How to Reduce Conflicts at Work and at Home
Overcome other people’s resistance to your ideas through a series of simple but powerful communication techniques that eliminate the majority of conflict at work and at home.
Lesson 1: Stress Tip: How Caffeine Works
Lesson 2: It Feels Personal…But It’s Not!
Lesson 3: How to Disagree Respectfully
Lesson 4: Reduce Resistance to Your Ideas
Lesson 5: Overcome Communication Breakdowns
Lesson 6: What Those People are Really Saying
Lesson 7: De-escalate Any Conflict
Lesson 8: 6 Stages to Supportive Agreements
Basic Program – Modules One through Three
Premium Program – Basic Program plus Modules Four through Eight
Module 4: 4 Step Stress Reduction
Apply the insight “the opposite of every worry is a goal” by using a 4 step process for turning worries into action plans, and when that is not sufficient, knowing help is always available.
Lesson 1: You’ll Heart This Exercise
Lesson 2: Is Your Imagination Running Wild?
Lesson 3: Trust Me, We’re All Worried
Lesson 4: Reality vs Fantasy
Lesson 5: The Unknown Creates New Possibilities
Lesson 6: From Negative Thoughts to Productive Ones
Lesson 7: Read Your Own Mind
Lesson 8: Help is Always Available
Basic Program – Modules One through Three
Premium Program – Basic Program plus Modules Four through Eight
Module 5: Succeed Together Despite Stress
Reduce the stress of decision making with clearer agreements about how influence is shared, decisions are made and priorities are clarified, as well as how to responsibly ask your boss for help when needed.
Lesson 1: Stress Tip: Drinking Enough Water?
Lesson 2: Increase Emotional Intelligence
Lesson 3: Better Decision Making
Lesson 4: Embrace a Hybrid Team
Lesson 5: Prioritize, Don’t Agonize
Lesson 6: When to Ask Your Boss for Help
Lesson 7: What’s Your Conflict Style?
Lesson 8: Diplomacy is Delightful
Basic Program – Modules One through Three
Premium Program – Basic Program plus Modules Four through Eight
Module 6: Take Your Time
Get more important tasks done in less time through a series of proven tricks to stay on track; respectfully say, “No”; and implement THE most important time decision.
Lesson 1: Stress Tip: Time is on Your Side When You’re Organized
Lesson 2: Reach Your Goals in Record Time
Lesson 3: How Urgent Is It, Really?
Lesson 4: Tricks to Staying on Track
Lesson 5: Respectfully Say “No”
Lesson 6: The Most Important Time Decision
Lesson 7: Best Perspectives For Better Time Management
Lesson 8: Time Is A State of Mind
Basic Program – Modules One through Three
Premium Program – Basic Program plus Modules Four through Eight
Module 7: Retrain Your Brain
Develop habits that focus your mind while energizing your body to produce more creative results, especially in stressful situations.
Lesson 1: Stress Tip: Get Moving!
Lesson 2: Relax Your Body To Relax Your Mind
Lesson 3: Stay Focused on Success
Lesson 4: Begin At the End
Lesson 5: Focus on the Positive
Lesson 6: Be Present
Lesson 7: The Cycle of Creativity
Lesson 8: Do What You’re Doing…or Stop Doing It!
Basic Program – Modules One through Three
Premium Program – Basic Program plus Modules Four through Eight
Module 8: Learn From Stress
View stress as evidence of an unlearned lesson leading to results better than you imagined possible, allowing you to habitually experience being Calm in the Storm.
Lesson 1: Stress Tip: Smile for No Reason
Lesson 2: Put Stress in a Positive Light
Lesson 3: Really Caring For Yourself
Lesson 4: Choose to Feel What You Feel
Lesson 5: Build a Big Support System
Lesson 6: Make Only Supportive Agreements
Lesson 7: Build a Life of Positive Habits
Lesson 8: Be the Calm in the Storm
Basic Program – Modules One through Three
Premium Program – Basic Program plus Modules Four through Eight
- Module 1: How to be Productive No Matter What
- Module 2: Tips to Reduce Your Stress
- Module 3: How to Reduce Conflicts at Work and at Home
- Module 4: 4-Step Stress Reduction
- Module 5: Succeed Together Despite Stress
- Module 6: Take Your Time
- Module 7: Retrain Your Brain
- Module 8: Learn From Stress

Lesson 1: Stress is Normal
Lesson 2: Resisting Stress is Futile
Lesson 3: The Weight of the World
Lesson 4: Start With Self Awareness
Lesson 5: How Will You React?
Lesson 6: Be Productive No Matter What
Lesson 7: Communicate During Conflict
Lesson 8: The Rest of Your Life Awaits!
Basic Program – Modules One through Three
Premium Program – Basic Program plus Modules Four through Eight
Build positive habits, based on a series of simple practical tools, that produce a more proactive response to stress throughout your day.
Lesson 1: Stress Tip: It’s Not About Diet & Exercise!
Lesson 2: Slow Down, Get More Done
Lesson 3: Be Profoundly Relaxed
Lesson 4: Clean Your Brain Every Night
Lesson 5: Find More Time To Relax
Lesson 6: Do What You Love Every Day
Lesson 7: Master Positive Habits
Lesson 8: Progress, Not Perfection
Basic Program – Modules One through Three
Premium Program – Basic Program plus Modules Four through Eight
Overcome other people’s resistance to your ideas through a series of simple but powerful communication techniques that eliminate the majority of conflict at work and at home.
Lesson 1: Stress Tip: How Caffeine Works
Lesson 2: It Feels Personal…But It’s Not!
Lesson 3: How to Disagree Respectfully
Lesson 4: Reduce Resistance to Your Ideas
Lesson 5: Overcome Communication Breakdowns
Lesson 6: What Those People are Really Saying
Lesson 7: De-escalate Any Conflict
Lesson 8: 6 Stages to Supportive Agreements
Basic Program – Modules One through Three
Premium Program – Basic Program plus Modules Four through Eight
Apply the insight “the opposite of every worry is a goal” by using a 4 step process for turning worries into action plans, and when that is not sufficient, knowing help is always available.
Lesson 1: You’ll Heart This Exercise
Lesson 2: Is Your Imagination Running Wild?
Lesson 3: Trust Me, We’re All Worried
Lesson 4: Reality vs Fantasy
Lesson 5: The Unknown Creates New Possibilities
Lesson 6: From Negative Thoughts to Productive Ones
Lesson 7: Read Your Own Mind
Lesson 8: Help is Always Available
Basic Program – Modules One through Three
Premium Program – Basic Program plus Modules Four through Eight
Reduce the stress of decision making with clearer agreements about how influence is shared, decisions are made and priorities are clarified, as well as how to responsibly ask your boss for help when needed.
Lesson 1: Stress Tip: Drinking Enough Water?
Lesson 2: Increase Emotional Intelligence
Lesson 3: Better Decision Making
Lesson 4: Embrace a Hybrid Team
Lesson 5: Prioritize, Don’t Agonize
Lesson 6: When to Ask Your Boss for Help
Lesson 7: What’s Your Conflict Style?
Lesson 8: Diplomacy is Delightful
Basic Program – Modules One through Three
Premium Program – Basic Program plus Modules Four through Eight
Get more important tasks done in less time through a series of proven tricks to stay on track; respectfully say, “No”; and implement THE most important time decision.
Lesson 1: Stress Tip: Time is on Your Side When You’re Organized
Lesson 2: Reach Your Goals in Record Time
Lesson 3: How Urgent Is It, Really?
Lesson 4: Tricks to Staying on Track
Lesson 5: Respectfully Say “No”
Lesson 6: The Most Important Time Decision
Lesson 7: Best Perspectives For Better Time Management
Lesson 8: Time Is A State of Mind
Basic Program – Modules One through Three
Premium Program – Basic Program plus Modules Four through Eight
Develop habits that focus your mind while energizing your body to produce more creative results, especially in stressful situations.
Lesson 1: Stress Tip: Get Moving!
Lesson 2: Relax Your Body To Relax Your Mind
Lesson 3: Stay Focused on Success
Lesson 4: Begin At the End
Lesson 5: Focus on the Positive
Lesson 6: Be Present
Lesson 7: The Cycle of Creativity
Lesson 8: Do What You’re Doing…or stop doing it!
Basic Program – Modules One through Three
Premium Program – Basic Program plus Modules Four through Eight

Lesson 1: Stress Tip: Smile for No Reason
Lesson 2: Put Stress in a Positive Light
Lesson 3: Really Caring For Yourself
Lesson 4: Choose to Feel What You Feel
Lesson 5: Build a Big Support System
Lesson 6: Make Only Supportive Agreements
Lesson 7: Build a Life of Positive Habits
Lesson 8: Be the Calm in the Storm
Basic Program – Modules One through Three
Premium Program – Basic Program plus Modules Four through Eight
FREE Stress Assessment
You can also take a quick assessment and receive customized feedback on your ability to recognize stress quicker and tips to move through it faster!
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